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Volunteering at Celebration!


Ambassador - Walk a designated area of the site to assist artists with Booth Sitting when they need a break or retrieving additional receipt books, if requested.  Also responsible to patrons asking questions of the event.


Artist Reception - Support for a restaurant (or two) who donate and serve food for the invitation-only Artist Reception held in the Amphitheater at 5:30 p.m., Thursday evening.  This assignment is from 2:30-7:00 March 5.  No food serving is involved.


Customer Pick Up - Keep purchased art for the patron who would like to store it until a later time to pick it up, probably when they are ready to leave the site.     


Exit - Collect receipts for art purchases as patrons leave.  This position requires much standing.


Helpline Ambassador - Respond to calls to Helpline when the roving Ambassadors cannot be located.  Most requests are for booth sitters, additional receipt books, delivering messages to artists from staff, etc.  This position is inside the Wellness Center until a call to Helpline requires an Ambassador.


Retail – Sell event memorabilia.  Sales will be credit cards through a tablet application specific to this event.  Simple training required.  One person per shift per site is needed.  If you are willing to be the ‘Cashier’, please let us know in the Comments section.


Ticket Sales - Sell tickets for cash or credit cards using a tablet application specific to this event.  Simple training required.


Ticket Scanner - Scan barcode on tickets or email receipts on screens of phones or tablets as patrons enter the site.  This position requires much standing.


Artist Hospitality- Provide breakfast., lunch and snacks to artists.

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